hirak's shared items in Google Reader

Monday, December 25, 2006


Another nice game from Orisinals.

Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Torch that can light fire

Here is a torchlight powerful enough, so that it can light up the substance on which it flashes!

One Laptop per child

This is a project being developed by a group of people, who aim to provide a laptop for a very low cost ($100), which will be durable, power-efficient and responsive and fit well as a learning tool for kids of poorer countries.

Google Map: Amsterdam jewel

This a real picture folks... this phenomenon in Amsterdam is large enough to be noticed from the space, or Google map!

Old Earth

Google Earth can now display the world as ancient cartographers plotted it. You can view this tribute to history on your latest version (4.0.2416 onwards) of Google Earth by choosing Layers -> Featured Content -> Rumsey Historical Maps.

Monday, December 04, 2006

The Fairest

This site features some of the most stunning and breathtaking images updated I have seen. The content is powered by a voting system open to all, and hence updated regularly.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Car drawn in MS Paing

Yeah, this sports car is drawn starting from scratch, in Paint that comes with Windows. No fancy stuffs, nothing.

Base Jumping

Start jumping when the whistle blows, and reach the ground before the other three competitors. Oh, and don't forget to open your para suite. Sounds easy, huh? Well... judge yourself :)

Fake iPods

"Designed by Apple in California; Assembled in China"
See it to believe it! According to people, the UI is completely different and scrolling through songs happen through buttons.

Saturday, December 02, 2006


An addictive game where you catch the ball hit by the batsman.

The Future

Are you ready to witness our fate in the distant future? Then wait no more as this presentation takes you through the important landmarks of the future and gives you a view of what is going to befall us.